Tag Archives: baby shower

The Things You See at the Fair…

Get ready for picture overload, y’all.  I’ll try to keep the commentary to a minimum (but I’m not making any promises).  After my friend Beth’s baby shower brunch yesterday morning, Matt and I decided to hit up a local fair.  But first, check out this hot mama…

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Hey girl, heeyyyyy

photo 1 (7)Now, about the fair.  We had the BEST time.  I have noticed lately that Matt and I haven’t been doing things alone much.  There was a time when we did everything alone and didn’t socialize much.  Now I feel like we are socializing a little too much, if there is such a thing.  I miss our one-on-one date time.  Any other wives/fiances/girlfriends/husband/boyfriends out there that feel the same way?  Anyway, we had such a great day.  The weather was perfect.  As soon as we walked in the gate (which one of us got in for free!–thanks to the nice parking lot guy), we hit up the first food station we saw.

photo 3 (4)It was glorious.  Look at those beautiful colors.  Matt got an enormous corn dog (but we couldn’t handle all the batter) and I got a chicken on a stick basket.  As we sat there eating, I noticed a girl taking a break from whatever carni job she was doing.  I also noticed that fact that she was taking a selfie of not her face…but a tattoo on her BOOB.  I’m talking it was OUT there.  I almost saw the whole thing.  As a side note, my favorite quote of the day, “I can’t wait for the livestock exhibit afert we eat all this.”  After we recovered from all of that, we just started walking and people watching.  After we made one loop around, we decided we weren’t ready to end our date just yet.  So we took another loop and I am so glad we did–we made it just in time for the best animal show I’ve ever seen.  I was like a kid on Christmas morning.

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I can’t wait to post this on a Wednesday…

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Mini horses…now I want one.

photo 2

Yep, that tiger is jumping through fire. You go boy.

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I’m also glad we took another loop around because the livestock exhibit had opened.  It was closed our first time around.  I found the cow I want.  She seems cute.  Reminds me of my cat…don’t ask.

photo 3 (5)We also saw a brand new baby…this mama was cleaning up her calf that was born at 4:30 yesterday morning.  The guys running the show said it was very rare to witness this!

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Yesterday was seriously just one of my favorite days with Matt.  We are going to have to remember to do things like that more often, just the two of us.  I also realized we have an obsession with food.  I mean, I always knew that we had a love for food–and usually not the good kind.  But we seriously walked around the fair saying “OMG, a fried oreo.  OMG, giant slices of pizza.  OMG, quesadillas!  OMMMMGGGG, a doughnut burger!”  We refrained from partaking in any extras since we ate as soon as we got there.  But next time, we are going to take it easy.  Just get a little something from like every food stand.  Because that’s normal.  And healthy.

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Alright, I’m off to watch the Sunday usuals.  I promise I’ll have Miley pics soon.  I took NONE with my own phone.  Fail.  Hope you had a happy Sunday!

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Filed under Food, Friends, Halloween, Life, Marriage, Snacks, spouse, Uncategorized, Weekend

Let the Halloween festivities begin!

The time is here.  It’s officially the start of my birthday week…next Friday, I turn the big 26.  That will then kick-off my birthday month 🙂  We are heading to a Halloween party tonight at my favorite hole-in-the-wall.  Tomorrow morning, I will be going to one of my closest friend’s baby shower brunch…

me and beth

This is Beth!

beth and natalie

Beth with her first born, Natalie Ann.

We will be celebrating Beth’s second baby girl tomorrow.  I can’t wait!  I’m sure I will come home with “the” fever…

Tomorrow night, we will be celebrating my friend Nicole’s big 28.  We’ve been celebrating birthdays within days of each other for seven years now.

From 2009.

From 2009.

THEN, if time permits, we are hitting up another Halloween party at a friend’s house.  Sunday, I would like to make it to church and get a work out in before heading to dance practice.  It’s going to be a busy but fun-filled weekend.  I feel like I’m laying the cheese on really thick here…

Do you have any Halloween plans this weekend?  Are you dressing up?  I’m pumped about dressing up because it’s been years.  And because I’m bound to surprise everyone with my get-up.  Happy Friday!!


Filed under Birthday, Dancing with the Aiken Stars, Friends, Halloween, Holidays, kids, Weekend

A lazy week. Well, not really.

It’s been a lazy week in my workout world–but not everywhere else.  I’ve been slammed at work this week so I’ve been working late and through lunches.  I’ve also been pretty productive at the house (which usually gets pushed to the side). After work today, I finally found my Halloween costume…

photo 1 (6)Bet you can’t guess who I’m going to be…

Then I came home and Matt made us breakfast for dinner.  I’m talkin’ the whole nine yards…pancakes, eggs, bacon, and cheese crescents.  It was so nice to eat dinner by like 7:30.  I’m usually just getting home from work and the gym by that time.  Then I have to shower and cook (well, I don’t actually do the cooking).  And it ends up being 9 pm before we eat dinner.  Yes, I do feel completely worthless this week as far as my body goes.  But my mind feels good.  I feel rested. My house is in some kind of order.  I’m prepared for the weekend–meaning I got my friend’s baby shower gifts ready to go and even ironed my outfit.  Yes, I said ironed.  (Plus, I know we are going out Friday and I won’t want to do it Saturday morning before the shower = GENIUS.)

I also went through some giant Rubbermaid containers on the hunt for Christmas gifts I put away last year.  I tend to buy a lot of stuff on clearance right after Christmas for the next year.  Problem is, I forget about it.  Well looky at what I found…

photo 2 (5)Bath & Body Works overload!  I love when I find goodies like this.  I won’t need to buy soap for a year.  And I already have little gifts ready to go for girlfriends and coworkers.

Well, time for me to get some rest.  I’m contemplating getting up early for a run–but not in the dark…at the gym.  We shall see.  No pressure.  I’m so tired of pressuring myself.  Mental health is important too.  I find, however, that it’s a catch 22.  I feel good mentally that I got a lot of things scratched off the to-do list this week.  On the flip side, I feel like complete crap mentally because in the back of my mind, I’m obsessing over how I look…the food I’ve eaten, the lack of cardio.  Everything.  And to put the cherry on top, we had a photo shoot for the Dancing with the Aiken Stars last week. Well I look like a complete moron in the picture that the group wants to use.  Seriously.  Everyone else is smiling and I’m doing some weird caught-me-in-the-middle-of-a-sentence duck face.  What the hell.  It’s on Facebook too, which is super nice.  I try to laugh it off.  I even told the ring leader that I didn’t care–it was all about what the majority of the group wanted to use.  I’m trying to play that whole confidence card.  Part of me really doesn’t give a crap while the other part of me is completely embarrassed.

Okay, I actually feel better that I got to put that out there.  I’ve been wanting to complain about that picture but I WON’T.  Gotta play that confidence card.  Is that healthy though?  I’m good at being fake, basically.




Filed under Cook, Dancing with the Aiken Stars, Failure, Food, Lessons, Life, Morning Workout, Relax, Rest, spouse, Weekend